Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Health Geography Is A Branch Of Social Science - 1073 Words

*Health geography approaches. Health geography is a branch of social science which investigates the interaction between people and the environment. Health geography views health from an all-inclusive perspective combining society and space, and it intellectualises the role of place, location, and geography within the realm of health, wellbeing, and disease. To put it simply, health geography examines why space and place are central for health variation in the population. As a result, approaches in health geography are varied, often drawing on different ways of conceptualizing space, place, and health. As Cattrall and Elliott, (2009) state, it would be a mistake to believe that there is only one correct approach, instead we should remain open minded and appreciate different philosophical and epistemological approaches and viewpoints in health and how they contribute to the enhancement of our understanding of a particular health issue. My answer will be based on Gatrell and Elliott who discuss these approaches extensively. The Positivist Approach Positivism applies to â€Å"factual† knowledge gained through the senses including measurement. Oftentimes, positivism research relies on observable, quantifiable, generalizable data collection later interpreted objectively. In a health context, positivist accounts seek to uncover causes or aetiological factors; however, the best that can be established is often a strong association rather than a direct cause. Positivist concernsShow MoreRelatedWhat I ve Learned From This Class938 Words   |  4 Pagesthis course on the Geography of Health, I had little knowledge of global health issues or the methods of science used to analyze, control, and remedy the problems that arise in the health of individuals or entire populations. 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